Elena Márquez Segura, Henriette Cramer, Paulo Gomes, Stina Nylander, Ana Paiva (forthcoming) Revive! Reactions to migration between different embodiments when playing with robotic pets. Proc. Interaction Design and Children (IDC’12), Bremen, Germany.
Frank Bentley, Henriette Cramer, Santosh Basapur, William Hamilton (forthcoming) Drawing the city: differing perceptions of the urban environment. Proc. CHI’12, Austin, Texas.
Mattias Jacobsson & Stina Nylander, Mobile ActDresses: Programming Mobile Devices by Accessorizing at CHI'12 Interactivity, Austin, Texas.
Henriette Cramer. Interaction & the built environment: some challenges. Ar-CHI-tecture Architecture and Interaction Workshop at CHI’12, Austin, Texas.
Henriette Cramer, Personalized and autonomous are already everywhere; let’s focus on awareness over trust. Workshop on End-user Interactions with Intelligent and Autonomous Systems at CHI’12, Austin, Texas.
Matthias Keysermann, Sibylle Enz, Henriette Cramer, Ruth Aylett, Carsten Zoll, Patricia Vargas (2012) Can I trust you? Sharing information with artificial companions. Extended Abstract AAMAS’12, Bologna, Italy.
Sara Ljungblad, Jirina Kotrbova, Mattias Jacobsson, Henriette Cramer, Karol Niechwiadowicz Hospital robot at work: Something alien or an intelligent colleague?
Proc. CSCW’12, Seattle, WA, USA.
Lars Erik Holmquist, Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Zeynep Ahmet, Xia Ruixue, Mobile 2.0 - The Future of Mobile Apps: Mashing It Up and Getting It Out There!, Panel at SIGGRAPH Asia's Symposium of Apps, Dec 14th, Hong Kong.
Katja Grufberg, Lars Erik Holmquist
Magical Bits: Designing Through & Experiencing the Future End Product (Best paper award)
Proc. Desire'11, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
Performing a Check-in: Emerging Practices, Norms and ‘Conflicts’ in Location-Sharing Using Foursquare.
Proc. MobileHCI’11, Stockholm, Sweden.
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Paulo F. Gomes, Elena Márquez Segura, Henriette Cramer, Tiago Paiva, Ana Paiva, Lars Erik Holmquist
ViPleo and PhyPleo: Artificial pet with two embodiments
Proc. ACE’11, Lisbon, Portugal.
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Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Frank Bentley, David Ayman Shamma,
2nd Workshop on Research in the Large: App Stores, Wide distribution channels & Big Data in Research
Workshop organised at UbiComp’11, Beijing, China.
Workshop page, Download pdf
Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Frank Bentley
An introduction to Research in the Large.
Introduction Article to Special Issue on ‘Research in the Large’ of the International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction.
Mattias Rost, Henriette Cramer, Lars Erik Holmquist
Mobile exploration of geotagged photographs
J. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 5, 1-12.
Linked article
Katherine M. Tsui, Munjal Desai, Holly A. Yanco, Henriette Cramer, Nicander Kemper
Measuring Attitudes Towards Telepresence Robots
International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS) special issue on ‘Quantifying the Performance of Intelligent Systems’, 16, 2.
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Matthew Chalmers, Don McMillan, Alistair Morrison, Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Wendy Mackay Ethics, Logs and Videotape: Ethics in Large Scale User Trials and User Generated Content,
Workshop organised at CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
Workshop page, Download pdf
Henriette Cramer, Sebastian Büttner
Things that Tweet, Check-In and are Befriended. Two Explorations on Robotics & Social Media.
Late breaking abstract, HRI’11, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Mattias Jacobsson, Henriette Cramer
Universal Robots as ‘Solutions’ to Wicked Problems: Debunking a Robotic Myth
Late breaking abstract, HRI’11, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Grufberg, K. and Holmquist, L.E.
Designer Experience through Magical Bits
Presented at Workshop on Designer Experience: Exploring Ways to Design in Experience at CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
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Zeynep Ahmet, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio Mattila
Face to face makes a difference: Recommendation Practices of Users of Mobile Services
Presented at the Workshop on Research in the Large at UbiComp’11, Beijing, China.
Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist.
Services as Materials: Using Mashups for Research
Presented at the Workshop on Research in the Large at UbiComp’11, Beijing, China.
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Sebastian Büttner, Tengjiao Cai, Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost and Lars Erik Holmquist
Using Computer Vision Technologies to Make the Virtual Visible.
Presented at the Mobile AR: Design Issues & Opportunities Workshop at MobileHCI’11.
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Henriette Cramer, Zeynep Ahmet, Mattias Rost, Lars Erik Holmquist
Gamification and location-sharing: some emerging social conflicts.
Workshop on Gamification: Using Game Design Elements in Non-Gaming Contexts at CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
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Mattias Rost, Henriette Cramer, Lars Erik Holmquist
Mobile Exploration of Geotagged Photos
In Proceedings of SmartPhone’10, Gwangju, Korea
Zeynep Ahmet, Lars Erik Holmquist:
Sharing mobile services - Beyond the app store model.
In Proceedings of MobileHCI 2010, September 7-10, Lissabon, Portugal
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Munjal Desai, Katherine Tsui, Holly Yanco, Henriette Cramer, Nicander Kemper
Using the “Negative Attitude Towards Robots Scale” with Telepresence Robots
In Proceedings PerMIS’10, Baltimore, USA.
Sebastian Büttner, Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Nicolas Belloni, and Lars Erik Holmquist:
φ²: Exploring physical Check-Ins for Location-Based Services
In proceedings of UbiComp’10, September 26–29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Sebastian Büttner
Developing Physical Check-In Methods for Location-Sharing Services and Analysing Their Influence on the User Experience.
Diploma Thesis at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Henriette Cramer, Mattias Rost, Nicolas Belloni, Didier Chincholle, and Frank Bentley:
Research in the large: Using App Stores, Markets and other wide distribution channels in UbiComp research.
Extended Abstracts UbiComp 2010, September 26–29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Ylva Fernaeus, Maria Håkansson, Mattias Jacobsson, and Sara Ljungblad:
How do you play with a robotic toy animal?: a long-term study of Pleo.
In Proceedings of the 9th international Conference on interaction Design and Children (Barcelona, Spain, June 09 - 12, 2010). IDC '10. ACM, New York, NY, 39-48.
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Mattias Jacobsson, Ylva Fernaeus, and Rob Tieben:
The Look, the Feel and the Action: Making Sets of ActDresses for Robotic Movement.
In proceedings of ACM Designing for Interactive Systems 2010, Aarhus, Denmark.
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Mattias Rost, Henriette Cramer, Nicolas Belloni, and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Geolocation in the Mobile Web Browser.
In proceedings of UbiComp’10, September 26–29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Xia Ruixue, Mattias Rost, and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Business Models in the Mobile Ecosystem.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile Business, Global Mobility Roundtable, June 13-15, Athens, Greece.
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Sara Ljungblad and Clint Heyer:
Blue-Sky and Down-to-Earth: How analogous practices can support the user-centred design proces.
In Proceedings of ACM NordiCHI'10. Reykjavik, Iceland.
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Ylva Fernaeus, Henriette Cramer, Hannu Korhonen, Joseph ‘Jofish’ Kaye
Please Enjoy!? Workshop on Playful Experiences in Mobile HCI.
Extended abstract & Workshop organised at MobileHCI 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
Henriette Cramer, Nicolas Belloni, and Mattias Rost:
On not being a stranger: Making sense of the sociable media landscape.
Presented at the 'Designing and Evaluating Affective Aspects of Sociable Media to Support Social Connectedness' workshop at CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA
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Henriette Cramer, Helena Mentis, and Ylva Fernaeus:
Serious work on playful experiences: a preliminary set of challenges.
Presented at the 'Fun, seriously?' workshop at CSCW 2010, Savannah, GA, USA
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Lars Erik Holmquist, Wendy Ju, Martin Jonsson, Jacob Tholander, Zeynep Ahmet, Saiful Islam Sumon, Ugochi Acholonu, Terry Winograd:
Wii Science: Teaching the laws of nature with physically engaging video game technologies.
Presented in the workshop "Video Games As Research Instruments" at the ACM CHI 2010 Conference, Atlanta GA, USA
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Henriette Cramer
Bots are amongst us. Things that tweet & creatures checking in.
Presented at Designing Robotic Artefacts With User- And Experience-Centred Perspectives, workshop at NordiCHI 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Nicolas Belloni, Lars Erik Holmquist and Jakob Tholander:
See You on the Subway: Exploring Mobile Social Software.
In Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, CHI 2009, April 4-9, Boston, USA
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Ylva Fernaeus:
Human Action and Experience As Basis for the Design and Study of Robotic Artefacts.
In: RO-MAN 2009: 18th IEEE International Symposim on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 27 Sept - 2 Oct 2009, Toyama, Japan.
Ylva Fernaeus and Mattias Jacobsson:
Comics, robots, fashion and programming: outlining the concept of actDresses.
In: Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI'09), 16-18 Feb 2009, Cambridge, UK.
Ylva Fernaeus, Mattias Jacobsson, Sara Ljungblad and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Are we living in a robot cargo cult?
In: 4th ACM/IEEE international Conference on Human Robot interaction, 9-13 March 2009, La Jolla, California, USA.
Ylva Fernaeus, Sara Ljungblad, Mattias Jacobsson and Alex Taylor:
Where third wave HCI meets HRI: report from a workshop on user-centred design of robots.
In: 4th ACM/IEEE international Conference on Human Robot interaction (HRI'09), 9-13 March 2009, La Jolla, California, USA.
Mattias Jacobsson:
Play, Belief and Stories about Robots: A Case Study of a Pleo Blogging Community.
In: RO-MAN 2009, 27 Sept - 2 Oct 2009, Toyama, Japan.
Maria Håkansson:
Playing with Context: Explicit and Implicit Interaction in Mobile Media Applications.
Doctoral thesis, Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Weblink Stockholm University
Maria Håkansson:
On the move - sharing music, inspiration and fun.
Vodafone receiver magazine, #22 Seizing the moment, May 2009.
Lars Erik Holmquist:
Automated journeys - automated connections.
Interactions, 16 (1). pp. 17-19.
DOI Link
Sara Ljungblad:
Passive photography from a creative perspective: "If I would just shoot the same thing for seven days, it's like.. What's the point?".
In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, MA, USA, April 04 - 09, 2009). CHI '09. ACM, New York, NY, 829-838.
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Marianne Graves Petersen, Sara Ljungblad & Maria Håkansson:
Designing for playful photography.
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Vol 15, Issue 2 August 2009, pages 193 - 209
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Mattias Rost and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Tools For Students Doing Mobile Fieldwork.
In Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitious ICT-based Education (ed. Goh), ch. 13. pp. 215-228
Ylva Fernaeus, Mattias Jacobsson, Sara Ljungblad, Maria Håkansson and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Contrasting Perspectives on Robots: a study among artists, researchers and the general public.
Presented at the HRI 2009 workshop on Societal Impact: How Socially Accepted Robots Can be Integrated in our Society, HRI 2009, San Diego, USA.
Maria Håkansson:
Studying Mobile Music Sharing.
Presented at the CHI 2009 workshop on Mobile User Experience Research: Challenges, Methods & Tools, CHI 2009, Boston, USA.
Mattias Jacobsson:
Fragments of Companionship – Design Insights From a Blog Study.
At the "The reign of catz and dogz" workshop at CHI 2009, Boston, USA.
Mattias Rost and Nicolas Belloni:
Experiencing Mobile 2.0 with Context-Aware Applications.
In MobileHCI 2009 workshop on "Context-Aware Mobile Media and Mobile Social Networks", MobileHCI 2009, 15-18 September 2009, Bonn, Germany.
Mattias Jacobsson, Ylva Fernaeus and Lars Erik Holmquist:
GlowBots: Designing and Implementing Engaging Human Robot Interaction.
Journal of Physical Agents, 2 (2), pp. 51-60, 2008.
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Sara Ljungblad:
Beyond Users: Grounding Technology in Experience
Ph.D thesis. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 2008.
Maria Håkansson and Lalya Gaye:
Bringing Context to the Foreground: Creative Engagement in a Novel Still Camera Application
In Proceedings of ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2008, February 25-27, Cape Town, South Africa
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Mattias Jacobsson, Johan Bodin and Lars Erik Holmquist:
The see-Puck: A Platform for Exploring Human-Robot Relationships
In Proceedings of CHI 2008, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 5-10, Florence, Italy
Mattias Rost and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Tools for Students Doing Mobile Fieldwork
In Proceedings of WMUTE 2008, Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education, March 23-26, Beijing, China
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Mattias Rost, Fredrik Bergstrand, Maria Håkansson, and Lars Erik Holmquist:
Columbus: Physically Exploring Geo-tagged Photos
Demonstration at UbiComp 2008, September 22-25, Seoul, South Korea
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Mattias Jacobsson
GlowBots - a Love Story
In Video Program of HRI 2008, Third International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 12-15 March 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Earlier publications
For earlier publications see this page
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